Gabrielle Ravet, a recent alumnae of ICP's Creative Practices One-Year Certificate Program, made her New York Times debut this week covering Green Day's sold-out show at Citi Field in Queens. Ravet first connected with the New York Times photo department during ICP's end-of-year portfolio reviews. Ravet's photos find the iconic pop-punk band backstage preparing for the show and their fans gathered at the stadium to celebrate thirty years since the trio's break-out LP "Dookie" first dropped, and twenty years since it's magnum opus "American Idiot" was released.
During her time in the Creative Practices program, Ravet focused her lens on fan girls, emphatic supporters of emo rock bands. In her project "Fan Girls Diary", Ravet documented the power of community and self-identification within these subcultures. Moving from documenting performers to the fans gave Ravet a new approach to music photograph, and opened a line of inquiry in her work about personal identity in relation to fandom.
See more of Ravet's work on her https://gabrielleravet.com/https://gabrielleravet.com/.